Giorgio Kiaris
The Blue way
The Blue way
This is a Tempura on Jute painting by Italian artist Giorgio Kiaris. Made in 2013 and measuring 19.6 x 19.6 inches, this piece is known as "The Blue way". The meaning behind the title is clear when you examine the painting. The painting is almost completely painted in blue paint, with smaller uses of red, black and grey mixed in. For the most part, this painting is done in random and chaotic strokes. However, there is one section of the painting that is completely different from this style. It's also the section that helps the painting earn it's name. In the middle of the painting, there is a curved set of lines that differ from the position and direction of the rest of the lines in this painting. These lines are completely blue, while the rest of the lines surrounding them are in the mixture of various different colors. This makes it look like there is a blue pathway in the middle of the painting. Thus, "The Blue way". This piece is unsigned by the artist.
SIZE 19.6 x 19.6